Sequences of Actuality Book Release
April 7th, 2024, @DistilleXinc2024
Published book, "Sequences of Actuality: Tome 1" ...
Will be released Sunday, April 7th, 2024. Click this post or link below to purchase/Pre-order.
Paperback will be available to purchase on April 7th, 2024.
Feel free to invite others to read. Thanks ahead for any support!
Winds of Scyus
Expect this tome to explore and define high-level life concepts using a given fictional scenario of Dave and his wife Britt to set the foundation to both define and apply the avenues of Karma, Karmic lessons/cycles, Divine lessons and Divine communication. Dave is overcoming alcoholism. His latest setback led to a separation from his wife.
This tome delves into life through justification using a never-been-done before technique. Expect to learn how The Divine teaches humanity lessons that will lead to prosperous lives in comparison to a few early childhood theories. Expect to come across Lev Vygotsky’s ZPD/scaffolding theory and how it applies to how The Divine uses life and certain individuals as the ‘teacher’ to scaffold individuals into true growth and development.
Discover what true leadership and success is along with the journey of hardship to gain it. Sequences of Actuality is The Divine’s way of teaching each individual how to live a rewarding life on the way to eternal existence.
@DistilleXince2024 #SequencesofActuality #Tome1 #BookRelease #Divinity #Spirituality #SelfGrowth #SelfHelp #Book #April72024